Early Explorers in Egypt and Nubia

This blog is intended
both as an instrument for researchers on early explorers in Egypt and Nubia, providing useful tools in the On-line Resources section (On-line books, Archives, Map Collections, Photo Collections, etc.), and as a place to publish original documentation and research on the subject (i.e. List of travellers, Accounts, Letters, etc.). Anyone who would like to contribute with suggestions or articles is warmly welcomed!

Monday, 2 April 2012

Early Collections

DONATELLI L., La Raccolta Acerbi a Mantova, in «Mantova e l’Egitto da Giulio Romano a Giuseppe Acerbi. Atti del Convegno di Studi, Mantova, 23-24 maggio 1992», Firenze 1994, pp. 53-55.
EDWARDS I.E.S., The Bankes Papyri I and II, in JEA 68 (1982), pp. 126-133.
HEPPER F.N., Amelia Edwards’ Sethos I Shabti, in JEA 86 (2000), pp. 165-166.
JAMES T.G.H., Egyptian Antiquities at Kingston Lacy, Dorset (The Collection of William John Bankes), in KMT 4/4 (1993), pp. 20-32.
LILYQUIST Ch., The Gold Bowl Naming General Djehuty: A Study of Objects and Early Egyptology, in «Metropolitan Museum Journal» 23 (1988), pp. 5-68.
LYTHGOE A.M., Statues of the Goddess Sekhmet, in «The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin» 14/10 (1919), pp. 1, 3-23.
PEARCE S.M., Giovanni Battista Belzoni’s exhibition of the reconstructed tomb of Pharaoh Seti I in 1821, in «Journal of the History of Collections» 12/1 (2000), pp. I-125.
RADWAN A., anx-m-mAa.t: (British Museum Statue EA 480 - Bankes Stela 15), in HAWASS Z., MANUELIAN P., HUSSEIN R.B. (eds), «Perspectives on Ancient Egypt; Studies in Honor of Edward Brovarski», ASAE Supplement 40, pp. 395-403, Cairo 2010.
REEVES N., Belzoni, the Egyptian Hall, and the Date of a Long-Known Sculpture, in JEA 75 (1989), pp. 235-237.
TIRADRITTI F., Antichità egizie donate da Giuseppe Acerbi alla Città di Milano, in «Mantova e l’Egitto da Giulio Romano a Giuseppe Acerbi. Atti del Convegno di Studi, Mantova, 23-24 maggio 1992», Firenze 1994, pp. 57-61.
PARKINSON R.B., USICK P., The History of the Nebamun wall paintings: an archival investigation, in MIDDLETON A., UPRICHARD K., The Nebamun wall paintings; conservation, scientific analysis and display at the British Museum, Archetype Publications, London 2008, pp. 5-15.

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