Early Explorers in Egypt and Nubia

This blog is intended
both as an instrument for researchers on early explorers in Egypt and Nubia, providing useful tools in the On-line Resources section (On-line books, Archives, Map Collections, Photo Collections, etc.), and as a place to publish original documentation and research on the subject (i.e. List of travellers, Accounts, Letters, etc.). Anyone who would like to contribute with suggestions or articles is warmly welcomed!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Maritime Traffic in the Port of Alexandria (1826)

As scientific exploration, commercial penetration and colonialism are strongly linked, this table might be of interest.

"Return of the British and foreign vessels that entered and sailed from the port of Alexandria during the year ending 31 December 1826 with those that remains in the harbor on the 1st January 1827"

Who would ever have guessed that the Austrian maritime fleet in Egypt was five times larger than the British one?

Archival references given on request


  1. Hello, very interesting figure, but ow did you came to the numbers in the table? what is the source of information I mean?

    1. "Return of the British and foreign vessels that entered and sailed from the port of Alexandria during the year ending 31 December 1826 with those that remains in the harbor on the 1st January 1827", Folder 25, Foreign Office, National Archives of Egypt.
